I think I have come to the realization that I can't be one of those people that blogs EVERY. DAY. I just can't. My schedule is too crazy with work and then coming home and wrangling an almost 2 year old and then there's the list of 90000 other things I have to/want to do.
So, I feel like I'm getting a mulligan per se. (I really hope I used that word correctly, I don't play golf....the only thing I like about golf is that it gets my husband out of the house here and there). I had started this reinvention of myself and to be honest it wasn't going very well. While I was working out consistently and trying to find non "mom" things to wear there was this little thing that kept happening. I kept getting sick. Every meal, no matter what it was would make me feel TERRIBLE and I was putting on weight like crazy. I finally broke down and saw my doctor who had a hunch it had to do with my gallbladder. Well, fast forward to today and I'm on day 3 of recovery following my gallbladder yank (yes, that is ACTUAL medical terminology.) As weird as this may seem, I think this is it. I think this is my wake up call, my reset button that I needed to get healthy, get happy (er), and focus more on myself. (I hate how selfish that sounds but every mom needs that me time because it does effect the rest of the family at some point). So, since Monday I have been eating MUCH healthier, I have cleaned out my closet, I'm getting ready to start meal planning, saving money, exercising every day (NO EXCUSES). I'm going to do reinvent myself. No more wishing I was thinner, healthier, more athletic, etc. Its happening. (this is where you picture me standing tall on the top of some really huge mountain somewhere surrounded by a halo of light, smoke, and singing angels.) But, before I get into all that stuff let me please leave you with a wonderful game I like to call.....
Stupid Shit Stephanie said while on drugs, coming out of anesthesia, and possibly also in a sober state."
I had a hunch I was that person that can't take anything seriously ever. (Picture Chandler on Friends) but today pretty much confirmed it.
Scenario one: I'm told to take EVERYTHING OFF to dress into my gown. The nurse comes in and I ask "Was I really supposed to take everything off because I don't want to make anything awkward and/or make anyone jealous"
Scenario two: While I know they ask me "So what are we doing to you today?" as a failsafe for everyone involved it did make me a little nervous that I had to tell them what organ to remove. So, they roll me into the O.R. and ask me that question and I say "Gallbladder yank and liposuction, if you hand me my phone I have a picture of the body I want"
Scenario three: They are giving me my discharge instructions and when the nurse finishes she asks "Do you have any questions?" I say " How long until I can start running marathons again?" Before she can answer I say " I don't really run marathons but I wanted you to think I was badass"
To all of those that came into contact with me that day, I apologize. Actually, to all of those that will continue to have contact with me until my Percocet runs out....I apologize.
Until next time!
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