Monday, July 22, 2013

Life is crazy .... or at least that's my excuse

I wish I had a better excuse for my absence the last few days.  I don't.  I do have some updates though! My house has officially been started! Last Friday they put the piers in and I'm hoping they got a little more done today. It takes me a lot to not drive down there everyday and check up on the progress. I'm a little butt hurt that we may be spending Christmas in an apartment. I was hoping to be in our new house by then so that we could have the fireplace going and have all of our decorations up and do the whole excited 2 year old thing since he's now old enough to understand the excitement.  Maybe if I think good thoughts and take the construction workers donuts on a regular basis I can still have my dream of a cliché I mean... perfect Christmas morning! That being said.... what the fuck housing market?! How do you go from lowest interest rates of all time to highest in such a short time? Get your shit together. Vent over. Here's the progress on our home!
As for the trying not to dress like a mom thing...I've been battling some stomach issues and I've been bloated and yucky so I haven't tried on anything new to show you guys. I did have to order a smaller size in my favorite Levis so I hope that means I'm seeing progress at the gym despite the crap going on. I am getting biceps and that's always exciting. Its fun being a strong girl.

I promise not to be such a stranger!
Until next time!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back to the grind!

Today was my first day back to work in a week. I feel like I had been gone a month! It was really hard to go back. I had so much fun hanging out with bipolar midget. I wasn't looking forward to the stress returning. It turned out to not be such a bad day and it's already the middle of the week so I really shouldn't complain. I skipped the gym today to have lunch with a friend but I promise to go tomorrow. I'm starting to see results in my arms and legs from all the weights I've been lifting for the past two months and it's both exciting and motivating! I got some good tips from the trainer at the gym so I'll start posting my daily workouts. Also, if you haven't tried it, Muscle Milk is delicious and filling. It's great for breakfast and post workout. The name sounds "Guido-like" but just uttering the words protein and shake in the same sentence sound "Guido-like". I'm actually not THAT embarrassed to wear shorts out in public anymore...either that or my "give a damn" broke.

Tomorrow, NY and Co. delivers my new non V-neck t-shirt clothes so I'll post those and a couple other shirts I picked up yesterday that are super cute. But...for now, enjoy this adorable picture for Way back Wednesday. That is me and my hubby at our senior prom in 2004. :)

Until next time!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

This may have been the best Monday I've had in a long time......because I wasn't at work. Let me share a picture and then Tarantino this for you....Picture this...a warm day at the Oklahoma City Zoo....

That there is my child enjoying a corn dog that may have been almost as big as him. He ate the ENTIRE thing...but that's not the point. The point you know how many crude jokes can be spun from a simple yet over priced corn dog? It doesn't help that when my mother and I are together we couldn't be serious even if you were pointing a gun to our heads and yelling, "BE SERIOUS OR DIE!". We would be dead. Here are a few phrases that came from this moment
1. eat your weiner
2. don't rub the weiner on your head
3. Mom- "Stop rubbing that on me!"

I'm sure there were more but my train of thought was derailed by the impressive ability in which my child could launch a chunk of banana across the food court. He'll either be a famous athlete some day or a famous monkey impersonator. I'm hoping for the first possibility. I'm pretty sure I'll decide I need new boobs one day and I think it's only fair that my son (the root cause of why they are so sad and limp) be the one to pay for their revival. I don't see a monkey impersonator (no matter how famous) being able to afford a nice and level set of tatas for his dearest mommy. (Is that weird? that last sentence made me feel weird)

Don't get me wrong...we did other things at the zoo beside make inappropriate corn dog jokes all day. We had a lot of fun. Despite the heat, most of the animals were out and doing their thing. Even the Galapagos tortoises were feeling frisky.....I'm glad Alex had fallen asleep at this point...that would have been an awkward conversation that I'm not ready to have.

So now that you are picturing two hundred year old turtles "getting it on" let me completely spin this around and tell you how excited I am. I ordered some clothes from New York and Company that as of today have shipped! This is the first step in building a nice versatile wardrobe that doesn't consist of mom jeans, V-necks tshirts (IN EVERY  COLOR) and flip flops. Once these things arrive and I'm sure that they all fit I'll share what I bought and why I believe they are going to be great pieces for my new and improved wardrobe. Now lets all join hands in prayer that I will lose 30 lbs before they arrive making them entirely too big. (that is a good problem to have).

Until next time!


I'm new to this but some friends of mine are apart of it and it seems like a pretty cool deal. You get products sent to you for free and then you use them and write reviews, tell your friends, and help out the companies that make these products. The more people you can access the higher your score is and the more products you can test for free. Not too shabby! Once I get more active with Influenster I'll be sure to let you know what I think about the things I've tried.

Sorry to post and run. We went to the zoo today and as soon as I get some pictures uploaded I'll tell you what a fun, yet crotch swamp inducing day it was!

Until next time!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lot stalking....

We have had some abnormally wet weather for Oklahoma in the past few months and the Moore tornado in May caused some delays when it came to starting our home. about 3 weeks ago we were told that it would be about a month before they could start our home because they are so delayed. Our builder is supposed to email us right before he starts and then update us weekly about their progress. So, because in my head 3 weeks is a month I concocted some notion that the builder has lost both me and my husband's email address and that's why we haven't heard anything about them starting. I drove by today and my crazy ideas were's still an empty lot with a sold sign and some crap from the house they are building next door. Sigh.... I'm so impatient! Another reason why custom building is NOT for me. BUT, I'm also very OCD. I must have pissed someone off in a past life that had some pull. OCD and impatient are a terrible combination. So, since I had driven all the way to just be disappointed I decided to slowly drive up and down our street praying that no one would call the police on the weird lady in the white jeep creeping around. I had a mission though, scope out all my future neighbors and judge them according to the exterior of their house, lawn furniture, ability to maintain a yard, etc and decided then and there which neighbors I wasn't going to like. Maybe they'll change my mind.....maybe. So the waiting game continues....

On another note, my bipolar midget has decided that diaper changes are the equivalent to being quartered. I'm sure my apartment neighbors love hearing him scream bloody murder every 3-4 hours depending on his liquid intake that day. Some times I think duct tape was invented for impatient, OCD moms. I think potty training may be coming around the corner. I should start reading up on how to exactly do that. I've heard bribery works like a charm.

Until next time!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Where do I begin?

I'm 27, I work full time as a medical research assistant (I'm not smart, so don't be intimidated), I'm a mother of an adorably exhausting 18 month old boy, and I'm a very very patient wife. I don't consider myself an excellent mother by any means so this isn't a blog about the best way to get your kid to eat peas and go to bed every night by 7 pm. Hell, if my kid can make it to 2 without knowing the word "fuck" I think I have won. I've been married for 3 years to my high school sweetheart cashing in a total of 11 years together. Everything is great, we both have jobs that we tolerate well and we love our little Alexander more than sleeping in and being able to afford nice clothes. We are in the beginning stages of custom building our home and so we are temporarily living in a tiny apartment with our little family. Did I mention we also have two large dogs and a very stereotypical cat? Did you know that by adding those last three things into the equation makes living in a small apartment a fucking nightmare? It does. The bad part about this whole thing? The whole "lets build a house and temporarily live in an apartment" thing was entirely my idea. DAMMIT. Now, I can't even guilt trip my husband anytime I'm having a bad day. I have a lot of things on my to do list. please see below
1. survive living in an apartment until the house is done. This includes but is not limited to not killing my husband and hiding his body in between the wall studs because small spaces bring out my inner nut case. This will hopefully very soon morph into decorating a new home on a budget. OH PINTEREST!!!!
2. Learn how to shop for myself. I admit, I wasn't exactly a fashionista P.C (Pre-child) but I could rock a tank top with the best of them. My body has changed and I have grown addicted to cupcakes and while I am making strides to get healthier which involves me doing a lot of weight lifting and protein shake drinking I have a ways to go and step one is steering clear of buying my favorite V-neck tshirt in every color. So join me while I learn to build a comfortable but stylish mom wardrobe.  
3. Focus. I have the attention span of a goldfish. I dabble in anything and everything and I'd like to find something I truly love and make my own.
4. Build up my confidence. I have the bachelors degree in Biology and I've been at my job for almost 3 years but I am new to my position and there's nothing like a couple of Ph.D's to make you feel like the village idiot.
5. Learn to get the through the ...brace yourself.... TERRIBLE TWO's!!!!!!....I feel it coming. My kid is turning into a bipolar midget and I haven't prepared for this yet. Everyday is a battle of "I want cheerios, I don't want cheerios, why are you taking away my cheerios, I don't want cheerios, I love cheerios, MICKEY!"

Until next time!