Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lot stalking....

We have had some abnormally wet weather for Oklahoma in the past few months and the Moore tornado in May caused some delays when it came to starting our home. about 3 weeks ago we were told that it would be about a month before they could start our home because they are so delayed. Our builder is supposed to email us right before he starts and then update us weekly about their progress. So, because in my head 3 weeks is a month I concocted some notion that the builder has lost both me and my husband's email address and that's why we haven't heard anything about them starting. I drove by today and my crazy ideas were's still an empty lot with a sold sign and some crap from the house they are building next door. Sigh.... I'm so impatient! Another reason why custom building is NOT for me. BUT, I'm also very OCD. I must have pissed someone off in a past life that had some pull. OCD and impatient are a terrible combination. So, since I had driven all the way to just be disappointed I decided to slowly drive up and down our street praying that no one would call the police on the weird lady in the white jeep creeping around. I had a mission though, scope out all my future neighbors and judge them according to the exterior of their house, lawn furniture, ability to maintain a yard, etc and decided then and there which neighbors I wasn't going to like. Maybe they'll change my mind.....maybe. So the waiting game continues....

On another note, my bipolar midget has decided that diaper changes are the equivalent to being quartered. I'm sure my apartment neighbors love hearing him scream bloody murder every 3-4 hours depending on his liquid intake that day. Some times I think duct tape was invented for impatient, OCD moms. I think potty training may be coming around the corner. I should start reading up on how to exactly do that. I've heard bribery works like a charm.

Until next time!

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